Fishtank stocking ideas: what fish can you keep in your aquarium?

Fishtank stocking ideas: what fish can you keep in your aquarium?

Your have already set up your aquarium and your water values now settled as well? - Now you can finally start thinking about what fish to keep in your fishtank. As usual in the aquaristic, there are also some things to consider here. You should choose the aquarium fish and invertebrates in such a way that they fit the respective style of the tank: if you set up a South American aquarium, you choose South American species; if you set up a community tank, the selection of aquarium fish is much larger. Most important, however, are the needs of the aquarium inhabitants. The species should tolerate each other and feel comfortable in the water temperature and water values that the other species need. In addition, the fish should also have the same characteristics. In the following articles we show you harmonious aquarium stocking ideas for the common aquarium sizes. These not only support you in the selection of the fish, but also help you to avoid the typical beginner mistakes in the selection of the stock.

Stocking ideas for nano fishtanks

Nano Aquarium stocking ideas

Especially the very small nano aquariums, which are often available in sizes between 3 gallons, 5-6 gallons and 8 gallons, are often praised as beginner fishtanks, although it is much more difficult to maintain such a aquarium due to its very small size. For example, even a little too much fertilizer or a lack of hygiene can lead to an imbalance in the nano aquarium, which often leads to the death of your fish. In addition, the possibilities of keeping aquarium fish or invertebrates are very limited in a small nano fishtank, such as the 3 or 5-6 gallons tanks. In the following article you will find many different, harmonious stocking ideas for nano aquariums in different sizes.

Stocking ideas for the south american fishtank

Aquarium Stocking Ideas: south american fishtanks

To recreate a South American shore landscape should correspond to the ideal picture of most aquarists. For this we need South American plants like Echindorus, e.g. Amazonas Swords and others. In the middle ground lies either a larger stone or a bog wood root. The corydoras catfish lies underneath these hiding places, which we create as a cavity by placing two stones or roots arranged transversely underneath it. In addition to the corydoras, tetras, peaceful cichlids and possibly some viviparous fish of Central America are suitable for the South America fishtank. However, these only fit into such a tank if plants and fish do not place too high demands on soft water, because many livebearers prefer hard water from 20 °GH. In the following article we will show you what fish harmonize with what other species and provide you some stocking ideas for common tank sizes.

Stocking ideas for (south east) asian fishtanks

Stocking ideas for (south east) asian fishtanks

Besides the South American fishtanks, the Southeast Asian aquarium is one of the most popular. No wonder, as the selection of plants and aquarium fish makes it possible to recreate beautiful biotopes. The Cryptocoryne river from Southeast Asia is particularly popular by many aquarists. It is a typical Southeast Asian biotope. Other Asian biotopes are largely similar to this. In general, in Asian fishtanks, the various labyrinth fish, such as honey gurami, pearl gurami or sparkling gourami, which are sometimes quite difficult to keep, are often kept in soft water. Of course you can also keep cardinal tetra in it, but this is not quite in style of the fishtank biotope, because the Southeast Asian cryptocorynes do not harmonize well with the South American neon fish. Well-known fish of these regions are among other things the labyrinth fish (bettas and loaches) and rasboras (like harlequin rasboras).

Stocking ideas for community fishtanks

Stocking ideas for community fishtanks

Most aquarists will have a community tank. As a rule, these are all aquariums that are stocked with species of aquarium fish from different regions. They are especially popular for beginners, because community fishtanks simply have the advantage that you do not depend on fish, plants and decorative items of a region, but have a much larger selection of these elements. The choice of aquarium fish, plants and decoration can be determined almost exclusively according to one's own preferences, such as appearance, without having to adhere to geographical restrictions. You should not be impressed by the large selection of aquarium fish in the pet shops. It is necessary to inform yourself beforehand about harmonious stocking in order to do justice to the well-being of the fishtank inhabitants. In the following articles you will find stocking suggestions for the most common aquarium sizes.